How to Contribute?
In-Portal’s marketing efforts are handled by the In-Portal Marketing team. If you have experience in online marketing, viral marketing, SEO / SEM (Search Engine Optimization/Marketing), SMO (Social Media Optimization/Marketing), or are just willing to help spread the word, please consider joining the In-Portal’s Marketing Team.
Help Spread the Word
If you know anyone who can benefit from using In-Portal for their project, please invite them to check it out for themselves. You can do so through any popular e-mail service or a social network.
Social Networking
To help spread the word for In-Portal, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you are interested in helping us to run and maintain these and additional social networking accounts, please inquire with the Marketing Team.
In-Portal Marketing Campaigns
If you have an idea for an online viral marketing campaign, please join and contact the In-Portal Marketing team to discuss the project!
Marketing Materials
Together with the help from the Design Team, we are currently working on assembling some marketing materials to be used for In-Portal’s marketing purposes. These materials include:
- “Powered by” Buttons
- Advertising Banners
If you would like to contribute, please consider joining the In-Portal Marketing and Design & Interfaces team.
In-Portal Events
Please join and contact the In-Portal Marketing team if you are interested in organizing or hosting an In-Portal event.